Home Inspection Services

Tiger Home Inspection Service Packages

Having a Tiger Home Inspection will provide you with invaluable information on the property conditions and an understanding of how to maintain your home. At Tiger, our inspections exceed the minimum state standards to include maintenance and upgrade suggestions, and much more. Our team of Inspectors encourages our clients to be present for their inspection to discuss findings and benefit from the educational experience.

At Tiger, we offer two levels of inspection services to meet all our clients’ needs. The chart below reviews the additional offerings of the Enhanced Inspection. Both The Tiger Essential and Enhanced Home Inspection Packages include the following:

• Wood Destroy Insect Report
• Building Structure
• Roof & Exterior
• Deck/Entry/Porch
• Garage and Outbuildings
• Basement / Crawl Space
• Heating & Cooling System

• Electrical System
• Plumbing & Water Heater
• Kitchen
• Bathrooms
• Interior Rooms
• Attic
• Insulation & Vapor Barriers

Inspection Services
Essential Inspection
Enhanced Inspection
Licensed Wood Destroying Insect Report x x
Installed appliances  x x
All accessible like components beyond a representative sampling
x x
Detailed reporting with photos and summary
x x
Home Maintenance Guide
x x
Well equipment inspection
x x
Moisture detection with infrared imaging 
Household Rodent Report
Valve and shut-off labels x
1st Anniversary Maintenance Inspection - 50% discount x

Tiger Enhanced Home Inspection

The Enhanced Home Inspection Service
Clients frequently asked why infrared camera use for moisture detection was exclusive to our Mold Assessment Service. Through years of experience, we also recognized a growing concern among clients about
rodent infestations. In response, we developed the Enhanced Service, providing clients with comprehensive information to make informed decisions about their home purchase and future maintenance.

Enhanced Service includes all Tiger Essential Inspection Services, Plus:

Moisture Detection Inspection utilizing Infrared (IR) Imaging and Moisture Meter
Tiger has developed a specific inspection procedure to identify interior moisture concerns. After visually inspecting all accessible areas for moisture concerns, we will scan surfaces with an IR camera including basement, attic, garage, and interior surfaces. Any accessible IR temperature anomalies are investigated with a moisture meter. The IR images and matching standard photo are included in our reporting.

Inspection for Household Rodents
Over 30% of homes have a household rodent infestation; an increase in activity is apparent over the past two years in response to biological and food source changes. Our inspectors seek to determine evidence of rodents to include both mice and rats by inspecting for tell-tale signs such as tracks, burrowing, feces and much more. By identifying prior extermination efforts our inspectors can guide our clients to next steps. We help with home maintenance by including identification of conditions conducive to rodent infestation and provide rodent exclusion advice.

Shut-off and other System Labels
To be prepared for an emergency or seasonal maintenance, the shut-off valves in a home should be properly labeled. Our Enhanced Service provides printed stickers for nine of your most important valves and shut-offs for ease of locating. We give guidance for sticker installation or can install them at your future Home Maintenance Inspection.

1st Anniversary Maintenance Inspection including Recall Check – 50% Discount
Often, we’re told, “Wow, I should do one of these inspections even though I am not buying or selling.” We certainly agree! With our 50% discount offer, it’s the perfect opportunity to review, maintain, and plan. Our 1st Anniversary Maintenance Inspection is designed to provide you with details of the condition of components and systems in order to develop a sensible and affordable maintenance schedule. And it includes our Recall Check Program, where you will be registered and notified of consumer recall issues with any appliances in your home. As our “Client for Life” we will guide you in maintaining a healthy and safe environment for your family.

Benefits of a Home Maintenance Inspection Include:

• Prevents minor deterioration from turning into major repairs
• Extend the life of major systems
• Plan maintenance and upgrade expenses over time
• Offers opportunities to improve energy efficiency
• Live in a healthier environment
• Maintain your home’s value

Our Tiger Client Service Team will contact you after your Home Inspection 1-year Anniversary to schedule your Home Maintenance Inspection.

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