Tiger’s Radon Mitigation Compliance Inspection includes:
• The Compliance Inspection and Report which references recommendations for repairs or upgrade to the current standards for the mitigation system.
• The installation of an active notification monitor.
• A short-term radon test conducted by an NRPP Certified Radon Measurement Provider.
> Learn more about Radon
> EPA’s Citizen’s Guide to Radon
The Active Soil Depressurization System (also known as a Radon Mitigation System) in your home works constantly to remove dangerous radon gases from beneath the building dispersing them harmlessly to the outdoor environment. The Radon Mitigation System installation standards continue to evolve, meaning the system in your home may not meet the current ANS-AARST Installation Standards, the only way to know if the system meets the current standards and is operating as effectively as when it was originally installed is through inspection and testing.
Tiger’s Certified Compliance Inspectors have access to the AARST Mitigation System Inspection App used to perform a visual assessment and generate an inspection report. The goal is to help clients better understand the system design, installation, and safe operation. The inspector will systematically work their way around the interior and exterior of the property documenting the key elements of the mitigation system. The inspection report provided will document if the mitigation system is compliant with the current standard, or list deficiencies allowing the client to make an upgrade decision in order to comply with the current standard.
The service is offered to Tiger Clients on a biennial basis with the Mitigation System Inspection to include testing of the fan alarm and replacement of the alarm battery. A follow-up inspection report will be provided and a radon test performed as well.