Repair or Replace? How to Decide
10-15 years before needing replacement. Thus, if your existing equipment is almost a decade old, having it fixed serves little purpose; it will just need to be replaced soon anyway. As a rule, if the repairs will cost more than half as much as a new system, you should opt for replacement.
Of course, the up-front cost of fixing or replacing your current HVAC system is just one part of your decision. New equipment tends to use power or fuel more efficiently than older machines, and in time, those monthly utility savings can offset the cost of replacement. For instance, installing a new machine that projects to save you $25 monthly may cost $600 more than repairing your existing machine. The new device will offset that cost over the course of two years.
Here are resource links to check out when considering a replacement:
- Federal incentives– www.energystar.gov
- Eversource programs and services– www.eversource.com
- Energy.gov Tax Credits, Rebates & Savings–www.energy.gov/energysaver/energy-saver
- The United Illuminating Company–www.uinet.com
- Rebuilding Together–www.rtnewbritain.org
- Connecticut Housing Investment Fund (CHIF)– www.capitalforchange.org
You can also call the following numbers for more information:
- 800.842.1132– Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) & Contingency Heating Assistance Program (CHAP)
- 800.388.9727– The Weatherization Residential Assistance Partnership (WRAP)
- 860.357.4952– Douglas Mechanical Services
This article is courtesy of Douglas Mechanical Services & Construction located in Berlin, CT. For further information or to inquire about their services, please call: 860-357-4952