Pool Inspections – The What, Why and How…
Guest Contributor Dan Christoforo of Aquatic Pool & Spa talks Pool Inspections with us
While pool inspections should be an integral part of the home inspection and buying processes, unfortunately, they are sometimes not included or done as a mere afterthought. Maybe this is because buying and/or selling your home is a hectic process with the many deadlines and other inspections, repairs and various “to do” lists that need accomplishing. Perhaps the pool is not viewed as a top priority. Maybe it’s because pools are often viewed as a luxury and not a necessity like many of the homes other systems. Regardless of the reason, failing to get a pool inspected by a licensed professional could prove to be an extremely costly decision down the road if there are any underlying or unforeseen issues.
Like home inspections, the onus for the pool inspection is primarily the concern of the prospective buyer. A thorough pool inspection should include not only the pool itself but all the associated surrounding components (fencing, decking, etc.) and equipment (filters, pumps, etc.). Additionally, the pool inspection should always include the pressure testing of underground plumbing lines to check for leaks whenever possible. The time of year can greatly affect just how thorough the inspection is, as winter or freezing temps prevent us from starting pools and testing equipment. And, in some cases, the presence of snow and ice prevents us from even removing the winter cover. This means the ideal pool inspection window is mid-spring through late fall.
Pool inspections can be done throughout the winter but are often only visual in nature after the pool is shut down. Consequentially, it is advised to sellers to ask for an inspection or, at a minimum, a “statement of functionality” from the pool company at the time of the pool closing. A “statement of functionality” is not as thorough as an inspection as it does not include pressure testing, but it does speak to the general overall condition of the pool and any obvious repairs deemed necessary at the time of the pool closing or winterization. This can then be provided to any prospective buyers throughout the winter months to help assuage some of their concerns.
Formal pool inspection checkoff forms are used by our licensed technicians and a copy is always provided to the client at the time it is completed. A more detailed report with any proposed repairs and associated costs is then emailed to the paying party typically within 24 hours. Some of the usual things evaluated during a pool inspection are as follows:
- Decking – cracks, drainage, settling, etc.
- Fencing – self-closing/latching compliant gates, proper height
- Vinyl liners – age, patches, discoloration
- Gunite – cracks, surface condition, stains
- Tile (if present) and coping – cracked or missing, loose or damaged
- Electrical – lights, GFCI breakers, timeclock, wiring
- Filter – type, leaks, pressure
- Pump(s) – noisy, leaks, strength
- Heater – type, leaks, operable
- Air blower – noisy, operable
- Sanitization – form(s), components
- Underground lines – pressure test, shutoff valves
- Bottom Drains – condition, VGB compliant, anti-entrapment
- Diving Board and/or slide – up to code, structurally sound
- Deck rails and/or ladders – present, safe, condition
Another great reason to have a pool inspection done by Aquatic Pool & Spa Services Inc. is it’s an opportunity to gain design insight or bounce any of your pool remodeling ideas off one of our designers. After all, your vision of the perfect backyard oasis may differ from that of the previous homeowner. Regardless of whether you are merely looking for a clean bill of health on the pool as a seller or buyer or want to know if your vision can become reality, it behooves you to get your swimming pool inspected and evaluated. Unknown costly repairs can hinder a sale or ruin your perfectly planned housewarming pool party.
We have been in business for 30 years and service the majority of CT. Feel free to stop by our showrooms or contact us year-round to schedule service or to have any of your pool or spa questions answered.
Dan Christoforo
Director of Service
203-239-SWIM(7946) dan@aquaticpool.com