2020 – The Year of the Backyard Pool?

pool maintenance

2020 – The Year of the Backyard Pool?

Since most families have spent significant time together over the past few months, homeowners and homebuyers have a renewed interest in the comforts of their home, particularly their outdoor spaces.  Several recent articles and news spots both in Connecticut and throughout the country have featured the increased consumer interest in the backyard pool.

We have highlighted pool information in the past, as recently as last year we released a valuable blog post here by Guest Contributor Dan Christoforo of Aquatic Pool & Spa on Pool Inspections. Dan does a great job discussing many of the considerations for pool owners. Today, we’d like to focus on Pool Electrical Safety.

Since there is a likelihood more homeowners will purchase smaller above-ground pools this year than in the past, some may believe simply connecting to the rear deck outlet will satisfy their electrical needs. While others will purchase homes with an existing pool assuming a correct installation. For both situations we’d like to share a few considerations:

  • Every pool installation should be reviewed by an electrician to ensure it is safe prior to use. All swimming pools require proper grounding systems.
  • Standards change over time. If you are looking at a home with an older installation, having an electrician review the wiring system just makes good sense.
  • Check the requirements for pool installations in your own community prior to purchase.
  • All pool equipment related to the water recirculating system should be on a GFCI (ground fault circuit interrupter) protection device.
  • If you’re purchasing a home with a pool, have it inspected by a professional pool company.

Every pool owner will want to get information on the installation requirements and specifically the electrical needs for the backyard improvement.

Once you become a pool owner, please remember to test the GFCI protection regularly as recommended by the equipment manufacturer. GFCIs that are not tested periodically may not function safely and the users would never know. All manufacturers of equipment protection devices have information about their products online, we encourage you to check the testing requirements and then – enjoy the back yard!

If you need a good electrician or a pool inspector, please check out our Contractor Network.